I shared development
of hexegonal truncated pyramid that I constructed on Cabri 3D with you. The drive link including video recording about how to construct such pyramid and Cabri 3D file are below.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aW4IcYO3_JQ7dBqx6-8n8t44IW8dtMlI/view?usp=drivesdk (first part)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K6K3I5ZnUa-6mzr02YXxHjELc3a0Nm-0/view?usp=drivesdk (second part)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zg3g_RGEaCxIG3XaNHaWa-SlSVFLGiN3/view?usp=drivesdk (Cabri 3D file)
30 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi
10 Aralık 2017 Pazar
Wittgenstein's Rod on Geometer's Sketchpad
Project 57
I will share an
idea of math lesson with below a construction that is done on Geometer’s Sketchpad.
Çember çizerek merkezini, yarıçapını ve çapını tanır.
The above objective
is that I aim to teach in math lesson in
which I will use the construction of Wittgenstein’s rod on Geometer’s Sketchpad.
In this lesson, I expect students to do the construction for learning
construction of a circle and radious and diameter of the circle . Students have
to draw some circles to do the construction. For example, to be able to
construct the road on the video, students need to draw a circle based on a
paremeter on Sketchpad. This rod is radious of the circle and thus students see
easily what a radious of a circle. Also, another circle at the end point of the
rod is constructed with the circle tool but firstly the circle is drawn.I prefered
this construction for these reasons.
Math teachers can
easily use this construction by following the stages :
Teacher briefly mentions what Wittgenstein’s rod
is and what it tell us with animations.
The teacher shows the construction of Wittgenstein’s
rod on Sketchpad and want students to construct it.
The teacher gives time for them to understand it
and try to construct.
The teacher should give some hints especially
about the part of parameter while constructing the second circle.
The teacher shows how the construction does and
students try to construct all part themselves or with pairs.
Finally, the teacher tell them circle and its
properties by showing examples from Sketchpad.
The construction video of the
project we prepeared is below link.
https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1HbjrQqy6-QrBV-zgiHyd_ 3Qsb1Gm4_W_/view?usp=drivesdk
GSP Folder link of the project :
GSP Folder link of the project :
26 Kasım 2017 Pazar
Using Google
Form in Mathematics
Assessment for
learning is essential part of teaching mathematics. Technological tools for assessing
math lessons is much practical and optional. One of the tools is Google Form. I
think math teachers may prepare effective and appropriate formative assessments
included a kind of questions such as multiple choices, short answer with the
help of Google Form. Google form is a tool with a very simple infrastructure
for preparing tests at the level that the teacher targets and applying them to
the students in the desired class.
I will try to
tell you advantages of using Google Form in math and share my own test about
Angles prepared on the form. In this form teachers have informations about
student’s name, surname, age, grade level, email address etc. Also, if the teacher
wants to become some questions necessary for students to answer, s/he can do
easily from options on the form. Furthermore, teachers have many options in
type of questions that are multiple-choice, short answer, paragraph, checkboxes,
dropdown, linear scale, multiple-choice grid, tick box grid while forming a
question on the form. Also, they add a file or an image appropriate for prepared
question. In the part of scoring the test, it is up to the teacher to decide
whether to see the scores of the students and likewise it is up to him/her to show the answers of the questions.
If the teacher wants students to see mistakes and trues about the questions,
s/he can select the option created by the form. I think it is easy and useful
to form a test by the form for teachers.
I prepared a multiple-choice test about the topic of angles. The link is
below. If you want, you can see it.
28 Eylül 2017 Perşembe
Technology Integration in Mathematics Education
makes life easy and provides people to find new altenative ways and apply these
ways to almost every fields of life in this century. I can use technological
machine easily and like using it so that I got to know the technology early. In
high school, my math teachers, especially in geometry lessons, have been very
successful at using time effectively by taking advantage of technology. Our
geometry teacher have reflected the questions using the overhead projector in
the question-solving part of the lessons, helping their students see and solve more
questions, that is, he have prefered using the technology in the exercise part.
Likewise, I think that it can be used more while reinforcing topics and because
there are so many abstract knowledge in mathematics, technology can be used in
their concretization. For example , while showing development of 3D shapes , a
teacher can reflect math applications related to the topic on projection. At
this point , actually technology is like just for students with visual
intelligence. I think paper and pencil would be more effective for the
realization and persistence of learning. In this example, even if technology
helps use time effectively, I think information will not be permanent so
technology is not appropriate for every topics or technology integration in mathematics
should be arranged to be effective.
this age, our generation is inclined to use technology so as a teacher
candidate the generation can integrate technology with mathematics easily than
teachers from previous generation. Since current students is more interested in
technological tools in every field of life, math teachers can try to motivate
students with using technological tools, applications and programs. Thus, the
students will be curiosity about topics taught. Finally, as a teacher candidate
I think a math teacher should plan the lesson according to the possibilities by
using the technology very well and also he or she should have the ability to
teach mathematics without advanced technology by consider poor opportunities in
schools. So teachers try to continuously improve yourself in their field.
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